I chose mov for demonstration purposes.
They are mov and H.264 (high, very high, and superhigh).
它们是mov和 H.264(高、很高和超高)。
Johannes Brahms: Piano Quintet in F minor, Op. 34, Mov. 2, 3.
Frederic Chopin: Cello Sonata in G minor, Op. 65, Mov. 2, Mov. 3.
Got an. MOV video file from a digital camera or a previous project?
Overvoltage protection level and maximum allowable energy dissipation of MOV are ascertained.
It now supports H.264, Xvid and DivX video codecs along with AAC, 3gp, MP4 and MOV formats natively.
现在它原生支持H . 264、Xvid和Divx视频编码,还有aac、3gp和MOV格式。
During the test, the surface temperature on the hottest spot of the MOV must be monitored continuously.
Note: this parameter is used to determine the power frequency overvoltage withstanding ability of an MOV.
It records videos formatted as QuickTime (.mov) files which are stored in the iPhone at /var/mobile/Media/Videos.
将录像存储为QuickTime (.mov)格式文件,路径为 /var/mobile/Media/Videos。
Soon, assembly language was invented. It maps machine instructions to human-readable mnemonics, such as ADD and MOV.
If you look at the pre-FPO example for MyFunction, you'd notice that the first instruction in the routine was PUSH EBP followed by a MOV EBP, ESP.
如果你查看FPO之前的示例MyFunction,你会注意到第一个指令按照例行是PUSHEBP后跟着一个MOV EBP, ESP。
A new equivalent circuit for the metal oxide varistor (MOV) in a low current region and a method of predicting its dynamic parameters are presented.
Previously, a typical protection circuit would include a relay, resettable fuse and MOV combination to protect against the above combination of threats.
Attached will be a DVD-ROM contains 32 animations. Mov, through which you can see some examples otherwise impossible to understand through simple images.
附加将是一个DVD - ROM包含32动画。乐章,通过它您可以看到一些例子,否则不可能通过简单的图像理解。
Under certain voltage, the worse the homogeneity of MOV's structure, the more inhomogeneous the distribution of electric current crossing the section of MOV.
According to the MOV reduction theory, the identity-based encryption scheme which is based on the bilinear map will lose the high efficiency of elliptic curve.
For example, if you type in "mov" it hints that you are looking for "movies," does the search, and indicates that with gray text for the "ies" that you are missing.
This paper analyses the physical characteristic of MOV and gives out its mathematical model by making it equivalent to inductance, resistance and diode three parts.
An assortment of audio and video files, both moving and still, in various formats including .ogg, .mp3, .mov, .jpg and .mpeg, can be interleaved with careful timing.
各种各样的音频和视频文件,包括动态和静态的、各种格式的(包括 .ogg、.mp3、.mov、.jpg 和 .mpeg),都可以通过仔细的定时进行交错。
Assemblers work principally at the same, low level of abstraction, even though it's somewhat easier to remember a mnemonic like MOV instead of its corresponding binary representation.
With this update we’re going to be supporting hardware accelerated, multi-core enhanced full screen video playback and you’ll be able to view any H.264 encoded video including MP4 and MOV.
The power electronic model of thyristor controlled series compensation (TCSC) consisting of capacitors, inductors, thyristors, metal oxide varistors (MOV) is led into digital simulation.
The power electronic model of thyristor controlled series compensation (TCSC) consisting of capacitors, inductors, thyristors, metal oxide varistors (MOV) is led into digital simulation.