She was only their temporary custodian, she said, a form and a face caught fleetingly by the movie camera or posing, in soft focus, behind the hard stones.
Keep your "movie camera" steady and in the same place.
保持“摄像机” 稳定在同一个地方。
World Peace or a movie camera!
What is it? An 8 - centimetre movie camera?
Sergio: My teacher told me that he also invented the movie camera.
When I was…I was nine and I asked my dad, "Can I have your movie camera?"
At twelve, he started making his own short films with his dad's movie camera.
Synchronizes sound and picture; boards held in front of a movie camera are banged together.
1902 - a United States court of appeals rules that Thomas Edison did not invent the movie camera.
The gyroscopic surveying instrument USES a gyroscope, compass card, plumb Bob, and modified movie camera.
And when I was 12 years old, my father handed me a movie camera, the tool that allowed me to make sense of this world. And I am so grateful to him for that.
The magnetic survey instrument is similar to the tool used in a single-shot survey except that camera is a modified movie camera that takes pictures every 15-20 seconds.
Depending on the media types you assign to this property, the picker can directly display the still camera or the movie camera, or a selection interface that lets the user choose the picker interface.
One of the things that made this movie so interesting to shoot was the ability to get close to the story, close to the actors with the camera; to apply a language that is so energetic and so modern.
Chloe studies these tickets with a sense of unreality, as if she is watching herself on a movie set, frowning for the camera.
People determined to break the law will find a way, even if it comes down to recording a digital movie by pointing a standard video camera at the computer screen.
Chloe studies these tickets with a sense of unreality, as if she is watching herself on a movie set, frowning for the camera. But her mind is seething with questions.
It can record video in full HD with a full frame still camera size 35mm sensor. Not a movie 35mm sensor. Much bigger. This is unique. No other video camera can do this.
它具备可以拍摄全高清视频的全画幅相机35mm影像感应器,不是摄像机用的35 mm感应器,而是要大很多,这一点是独一无二的,没有其他摄像机可以做到。
In the movie, the word is never spoken, but the camera zooms in as the protagonist pounds it out on a typewriter.
Before the special effects are added, the camera rolls or a director screams action a writer must come up with a movie script that includes over 90 pages of dialogue, action and story.
We see a movie together, travel together, even if not photography, also insist on a camera to replace my eyes leave the best memories for you.
The buzz in technical movie-making circles these days involves the two-month-old, ultra-high-resolution digital Red camera.
最近电影制作技术领域一个引人关注的事件是刚上市只有两个月的超高分辨率数字摄像机Red camera。
In film City, a leafy area north of Mumbai reserved for movie sets, Anil Arjun runs a new facility that will offer film-makers everything from sets and camera equipment to editing services.
Make your own movie - Take a camera, get an edit package, find some music and have fun. Some movies was made purely with a stills camera.
Then within the matinee, with the director track checked, with the attached camera, click movie.
We used the digital camera to take a short movie clip of our simple machine in action.
She makes the charades motion for "movie" by pretending to hold an old-fashioned camera in her left hand and turning the handle with her right hand.
She makes the charades motion for "movie" by pretending to hold an old-fashioned camera in her left hand and turning the handle with her right hand.