Over ten thousand soldiers, moving as one in perfect unison.
Out of the flames came two huge dark horses, like great, mythical beasts moving as one, jet black against the brightness of the flames.
Although they weren't trying to coordinate their buying and selling, they ended up acting together, just like a school of fish moving as one.
Moving as one of the most common dispute is damaged, moving company refused to compensate, move because it has signed an agreement or contract, so move must fill in the contract.
This was a society with similarities to a modern one—moving goods on a gigantic scale, manufacturing high-quality containers to do so, and occasionally, as here, even discarding them on delivery.
One of the creatures made a dramatic appearance by moving onto the head of the team leader as he slept.
As you can see, moving from one iteration to the next is very simple.
It can take a component as its argument, thus moving the focus up one traversal cycle to the component's traversal cycle.
As a time-lapse photo goes, I like this one as the tree still looks like a tree, while the other lights are moving.
As there is no way of deciding which of the two objects is moving, we can choose either one as the moving object.
Moving a message between messaging systems — Many messaging scenarios involve receiving one message and sending another as a result.
These tools are used for moving data from one IDS instance to another and to keep a backup of the data as flat files.
As "one," you can do so much more; two people on the same page, moving in the right direction, can change the world.
One of the changes that users may note when moving to AS 6 is that there is stricter validation during deployments.
The app lets users select one or more messages, then select an action from the action Bar, such as moving them to a folder.
This feature means that you can easily perform administrative duties, such as changing target addresses when moving service providers from one environment to another.
Even as it was moving from one line of defense to another, the processed food industry's own dependence on salt deepened, interviews with company scientists show.
By moving the mapping from the pattern level to the part level, environment profiles enable more flexible deployments, such as the one Figure 2 shows.
It will be hard to find another documentary as moving as this one this year.
Changing tables — even changing column type — can be done with no downtime, as can moving a table from one table space to another.
Examining as many supernovae as possible can help researchers measure how fast galaxies are moving away from one another.
The report singles out Lehman as one of the last Wall Street institutions to engage in "repo" deals aimed at moving assets off its balance sheet.
The moving sidewalk is one of those predictions that actually did come true, though not many of us ride them for leisure as the people in this picture seem to be doing.
One day, as she was staining with all her might to imagine her legs moving again, it seemed as though a miracle happened: The bed moved!
The order shifts as one would expect in a bullish stock market with newer IPOs moving up in the ranking (less adjustment) and older IPOs moving down (more adjustment).
One reason is that, as elsewhere, consumers are moving downmarket.
One eye not moving as well as the other eye.
One eye not moving as well as the other eye.