Naturally they chose to use MS SQL Server for their database and Django does not support that database by default.
自然,他们选择使用了MS SQL Server作为他们的数据库,而Django默认是不支持该数据库的。
This section describes the steps required for setting up Image Services 4.1 with Oracle and MS SQL Server as backend databases.
本节介绍以Oracle和MS SQL Server作为后端数据库设置ImageServices 4.1所需的步骤。
Initially, this capability is available for remote Oracle and Sybase databases, with support for others (including MS SQL Server and DB2) to follow.
一开始,该功能只能用于远程Oracle和Sybase数据库,随后陆续支持其它数据源(包括MS SQL Server和DB2)。
The table review resides on a MS SQL Server 2005 database and contains the reviews of the books. The table is defined as follows.
表review驻留于MS SQL Server 2005数据库,包含书的评论。
NET data provider, in my case that of MS SQL server.
NET数据提供商管理的,在我的情况是MS SQL服务器。
The Provider sample, for example, USES the templates to implement a non-SQL (MS-DOS) command server that executes the DOS DIR command to query the file system.
例如,提供者范例会使用样板实作执行DOSDIR命令以查询档案系统的非sql (MS -DOS)命令伺服器。
The Provider sample, for example, USES the templates to implement a non-SQL (MS-DOS) command server that executes the DOS DIR command to query the file system.
例如,提供者范例会使用样板实作执行DOSDIR命令以查询档案系统的非sql (MS -DOS)命令伺服器。