Entire message archiving - Archive everything, including message body, attachments, and message properties into a file of type MSG.
Note that because you don't specify a type for the pattern-matched case, anything will match and the message is bound to the MSG name (which you need in order to print it).
注意,因为这里没有指定模式匹配的类型,所以任何消息都是匹配的,而且消息被绑定到ms g名称(为了打印它)。
Fail (" MSG ") - indicates that the test must fail and the message parameter will be displayed as an error message.
fail (“ms g ”):表明测试一定会失败,消息参数将显示为一条错误消息。
Vim::Msg displays the message inside the editor window.
Then, the required message is stored into the msg variable.
The message flow can be found in the File Msg Flows project and is shown in the figure below
A pointer to a MSG structure that contains the message to process.
A pointer to a MSG structure that contains the message to process.