First you need to learn your MSL (SPC) Code.
首先,你需要了解你的MSL (SPC)的代码。
Constitutive product of PERV-MSL RNA has been detected in normal leukocytes and multiple organs of swine.
同时在多种猪器官和正常白细胞检出PERV -MSLRNA的结构产物。
To investigate the anti-inflammatory mechanism of n-butanol extract from Melilotus suaveolens Ledeb(MSL) in vitro.
Objective: to investigate the effect of Manshuailing Oral Liquid (MSL) on left ventricular diastolic dysfunction (LVDD) in patients with heart disease.
They want to make an environment in which I can practice in (Savior has a MSL final). Even right now, the practice room is loud with the sound of earphones buzzing and keyboards tapping.
The advantages and characteristics of microwave sulfur lamps (MSL) have been introduced in detail. By analysing the mechanism of MSL the key technology of manufacturing have also been discussed.
Numerical modeling of the changes of tidal amplitude and phase due to the MSL rise was made by the use of tidal basic equations in rectangular bays with mouths open to the south and tortuous bays.
The site was championed by other geologists, including John Mustard from Brown University in Rhode Island, whose team made the case to Nasa to have it included in the landing site shortlist for MSL.
其他地质学家,包括罗德岛州布朗大学的约翰.马斯塔德对这一地点提出质疑。 马斯塔德团队曾向火星科学实验室提交的登陆决选名单中包含这一地点。
The site was championed by other geologists, including John Mustard from Brown University in Rhode Island, whose team made the case to Nasa to have it included in the landing site shortlist for MSL.
其他地质学家,包括罗德岛州布朗大学的约翰.马斯塔德对这一地点提出质疑。 马斯塔德团队曾向火星科学实验室提交的登陆决选名单中包含这一地点。