The first, and perhaps most important, was not to muck it all up.
This going to hunt up her shiftless husband at the inn was one of Mrs Durbeyfield's still extant enjoyments in the muck and muddle of rearing children.
Mark churned wildly through the muck trying to keep up.
Listen to your body - if you're still running a fever, coughing up green muck and feel nauseous at the thought of getting on the train or bus, don't go into work.
And it's a clean install of Android with no messy additional carrier or OEM software to muck everything up.
Likewise, land long under the sea can suddenly pop up, presenting gasping and dying sea life and deep muck that eventually dries to form new and very fertile soil.
One could no more do that than one could roll up one's sleeves and go down into the muck.
He fall down and come home with his clothes all muck up.
Clean your shoes on the mat, or you'll muck up the floor.
' You'll never amount to anything, any of you, till you roll up your sleeves and getright down into the muck. That, or emigrate . . . God! If I could emigrate . .
Up through the muck and mire of this breakup their love will rise once again and soon they will be asking you for another chance.
One winter the rains were particularly heavy, and the cows in the corrals were up to their bellies in muck, unable to lie down and forced to sleep standing up.
They have hiked with me up a Scottish mountain immersed in cloud and over English farmland where cows stood watching me squelch through mud and muck.
They have hiked with me up a Scottish mountain immersed in cloud and over English farmland where cows stood watching me squelch through mud and muck.