British rock group is said to have taken its name from Muddy Waters' song.
British rock group is said to have taken its name from Muddy Waters' song.
Experts say it all started with a song by the American singer and guitarist Muddy Waters.
专家称,这一切始于美国歌手兼吉他手马迪·沃特斯(Muddy Waters)的一首歌。
Their wives, disdainful of the muddy waters of the Amazon, sent linens to Portugal to be laundered...
他们的太太瞧不上亚马逊河的混浊河水,把她们的亚麻布衣物送到葡萄牙洗熨 ……
The sculpted silhouettes of hopewell rocks rise from the muddy waters of the bay of fundy in canada's new brunswick province.
A bus leaves her gated community in the suburbs and heads for the city, across the broad, muddy waters of the Pearl River, every 15 minutes.
Hurricane Dolly has left behind muddy waters and downed power lines. But residents in south Texas are thankful the storm did not pack more of a wallop.
Muddy Waters accused Focus Media of overstating the number of TV screens in its network and of hiding losses by deliberately overpaying for acquisitions.
Muddy Waters指控分众传媒在其网站上扩大视频媒体的屏幕数量,而且故意扩大对并购交易的支付来隐藏损失。
The cement bridge passed by, and the muddy waters of the irrigation ditch from the days when the gringos diverted the river to bring it to the plantations.
The claim was made by Muddy Waters Research, a firm that “sees through appearances to a Chinese company’s true worth”, and which shorted Sino-Forest’s stock.
The claim was made by Muddy Waters Research, a firm that "sees through appearances to a Chinese company's true worth", and which shorted Sino-Forest's stock.
此声明是由Muddy WatersResearch宣布的,这是一个能够透过外表看透中国企业真实价值的公司,他还降低了Sino-Forest的股价。
Fanning the flames is an army of private investigators, bloggers and Wall Street short-sellers that hope to profit from the stock-market implosions, like Muddy Waters.
Example: RINO International Corp. admitted in March that at least two of its manufacturing contracts didn't exist after a report issued by Muddy Waters (yes, them again) in November 2010.
例子:Muddy Waters(是的,又是他们)在2010年11月发布了一份报告之后,绿诺国际有限公司(RINO International Corp。)今年3月承认,该公司至少有两份制造合同根本不存在。
URUGUAY, lying just across the muddy waters of the River Plate from Argentina, has been fated in recent decades both to be buffeted by, and to benefit from, its big neighbour’s secular instability.
乌拉圭,与阿根廷隔着混浊的拉普拉塔河而相望。 这个国家在最近的一、二十年里,不是受到他的巨人邻居社会经济长期不稳的冲击就是受益于其中。
This month, a special board committee said it found no fraud at the company in response to a Muddy Waters report this year that said the forestry firm misrepresented the value of its timber holdings.
一个特别董事委员会本月称,未发现该公司有任何欺诈行为,这是对Muddy Waters今年发布的一份报告的回应。这份报告说,嘉汉林业夸大了林木资产估值。
RAEBURN: Well, just to muddy the waters even further, we were - as you might imagine, this was subject of a lot of discussion around the office this week, this morning as well.
These studies showed that it was conscious thought that was most effective in complex decision-making and indeed unconscious thought tended to muddy the waters.
'We suspect a counterbid may soon be on the way, if not at least to muddy the waters and raise the price for Kraft, ' wrote Shore Capital analyst Darren Shirley in a research note Monday morning.
And yeah, you start to see that - that Rex is part of the old guard, and the new guard, as Dave said, starts to muddy the waters, so to speak, in terms of the genetics and I think maybe the training.
But the waters get a bit muddy here because true procrastinators rationalize away their own self-injurious behavior by invoking the press of competing demands.
Conclusion: Muddy river upstream of the bacterial species, widely distributed, this survey for the prevention of bacterial infections in the waters is of great significance.
The directors are probably going to recommend that we accept the take-over bid, but we can muddy the waters by asking detailed questions about the company accounts.
About two million people in the Chilean capital Santiago have been left without drinking water after sanitation plants were contaminated by muddy flood waters.
So why do publishers continue to muddy the waters by using fictitious stories and characters in nonfiction books?
So why do publishers continue to muddy the waters by using fictitious stories and characters in nonfiction books?