The loose body consists of ore layer and mullock layer, and the size of the particles in loose body could be divided into 1 ~ 10 fractions, presented with average value.
散体堆体由覆盖废石层和矿石层两部分组成的,散体颗粒的粒径组成分成1 ~10组,用中间值表示每一组颗粒的粒径。
The loose body consists of ore layer and mullock layer, and the size of the particles in loose body could be divided into 1 ~ 10 fractions, presented with average value.
散体堆体由覆盖废石层和矿石层两部分组成的,散体颗粒的粒径组成分成1 ~10组,用中间值表示每一组颗粒的粒径。