A computer program is developed to simulate the multi-effect evaporation processes.
The utility model discloses a multi-effect superheated steam lignite predrying system.
The invention relates to a multi-effect azole suspending agent and a method for preparing the same.
Conclusion Under the specified operation parameters, the quality of water by multi-effect still is steady, reliable.
Disclosed is a dual-purpose multi-effect distilled water machine which belongs to the water distilling equipment field.
Generally, generally USES the multi-effect evaporation process for the concentration of the electrolyte, use steam as heat source.
The model of complex countercurrent multi-effect evaporation with condensed water flash and extra vapor withdrawal is established.
A nuclear desalination system using 200 MW nuclear heating reactor and multi-effect distillation process is presented in this paper.
High energy consume for recovery of DMF by convention distalliation, a multi-effect heat pump distillation for recovery DMF was proposed.
Steam entering the first effect of multi-effect distilled water machine, in distilled water heating at the same time, its pollution leakage may also exist.
Because of the high energy consumption for recovery of DMF, Multi-effect distillation processes including two-tower, three - tower and four-tower were proposed.
针对传统的DMF回收工艺的高能耗,本文提出多效精馏回收d MF的双塔、三塔和四塔工艺流程。
The model of cocurrent multi-effect evaporation with extra vapor elicitation and condenser water flash is established. A computer-aided calculating method is presented.
Ingredients: France isotonic hot spring water, hyaluronic acid, cucumber extract, lemon extract, complex multi-effect whitening essence, titanium dioxide, Squalane, Jojoba Oil, VC phosphate etc.
The two effects can be enhanced in "one-cause and one-effect chain network" and "one-cause and multi-effect chain network", and the "multi-cause" impair the strength of the causal status effect.
So far, this section of the article has focused on the infrastructure capabilities, ignoring the effect of the multi-tenant design on the user-facing portions of a multi-tenant application.
In addition, a layered Bob contains many angles, which provides a multi-dimensional effect.
It is the combination and intertexture of the multi timbres that make up of pointillism timber effect in either verticality or horizontality.
The holes of inclined multi hole wall have a strong effect on the heat transfer intensification around the hole.
These two kinds of multi - peptides 'regulating effect on blood vessel tension may have major influences on essential hypertension (EH).
To train qualified citizens for the future is an important mission to our school moral education, whose effect is directly determined by value orientation in current multi-value society.
Besides using the single effect, you can also use multi effects onto one photo.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the therapeutic effect of multi-strain probiotics and two conceivable prebiotics in an experimental colitis model.
The general theoretical model and the way to put it into effect of federated filtering for multi-sensor information fusion are researched.
Conclusion: Progesterone has a multi stimulating effect on the differentiation of fetal rat calvarial osteoblast, but no effect on cell proliferation.
OBJECTIVE To find out the effect of multi enzyme detergent removing pyrogen by experiments.
Suppose the investigated material is linear-elastic, the multi-force effect should satisfy the superposition principle.
For the FMT system, a decision-aided equalizer could overcome the floor effect of the decision feedback equalizer which is caused by the multi-path channel.
Under the modern network environment, owing to the characters of multi hosts, fast spread, high destructive effect, etc, computer virus has become public nuisance of the information society.
The suppressive effect of multi-layer wire mesh structure on the combustible gas explosion is studied.
The suppressive effect of multi-layer wire mesh structure on the combustible gas explosion is studied.