The computer network technology, satellite communication technology and multi-media technology offer a new teaching mode for the distance education.
The Modern Educational Technology(MET)is an independent branch of education science. It applies the multi media computer and network communication technology to the practical activity of education.
Computer Supported Cooperative work (CSCW) is the multi-knowledge crossed research realm which involves the computer technology, the network communication technology and multimedia technology.
Compared with the computer network, the portable mobile, multi-directional communication features, to receive more accurate and personalized information.
To finish the communication between the single chip and the computer on the base of the multi-node network control of PC.
In this paper the idea of multimedia communication, multi-media computer, multimedia network and multimedia signal processing are discussed, and several examples of multimedia communication...
In this paper the idea of multimedia communication, multi-media computer, multimedia network and multimedia signal processing are discussed, and several examples of multimedia communication...