Isn't It Great?! My mum and me standing before the stern of Minsk.
神气吧? !我和妈妈合影于明斯克号航空母舰尾部前方。
Mother, do you know? I am happy to own such harmonious family. DAD MUM and ME!
Even they got frustrated sometimes, but most of time, in my mind, I always keep the picture of my daddy making a face, teasing my mum and me.
I was finishing the job when my mum walked up and stopped me.
Luckily, my mum encouraged me and stopped that from happening.
"My mum was a great cook, and she'd sometimes let me have a try," he said.
No doubt I will face more challenges along the way, but after everything I have overcome, my confidence is restored and I know now there is nothing stopping me from being the best mum I can be.
I believed that mum would also be very happy and perhaps she would reward me.
My family’s very small. It’s just me, my mum and my dad.
He will never forget his dad looking up and demanding, "Help me clear up this mess before your mum gets home."
At that time, my mum put all the apples on the table and asked me and my younger brother, “Which do you like?”
Mum made up a safe place for me to go when he is having a tantrum - I go into her room and lock the door.
'It all started when my mum hung a picture on the wall of me, my dad and my brother doing a silly ski pose for my dad's 50th birthday,' said Mike.
At hearing my words, my mum felt more than happy and kissed my cheek, giving the biggest apple to me as a reward.
I was at home and my mum rang me hysterical in the early hours to say he'd been killed.
My mum offered me endless support and encouragement as I struggled to bring up my baby.
My mum came in and asked me what was wrong.
Mum bought some special Hello Kitty biscuits and sweets for me but they were so pretty that I did not want to eat them.
Fortunately my mum travelled with me, but I really missed my father and brother.
"For me life is better," he says. "But my mum and dad think differently."
I have two large bedrooms, one with a double bed, the other with a king-size bed and a bunk bed which my nephews use when they come to visit me with their mum and dad!
Mum bought me some toy elephants, she also made me the paper ears and nose to pretend an elephant.
Tell me, are your mum and dad at home?
Tell me, are your mum and dad at home?