At the end of one row was the nominee for Barack Obama’s old Senate seat, swaying awkwardly to the music.
In the Podcasts, Music, Game Center, Phone, and app Store apps, tap any single TAB at the bottom of its launch screen 10 times in a row.
Here the music is produced by a row of tuned steel teeth that are plucked by a musical pattern of pins on a cylinder.
For the second year in a row, Obama released his summer vacation music and reading lists.
She changed his piano books three weeks in a row, from basic kiddy book to "real" sheet music, and by the end of second month, she told me that she can't teach him composing.
And if you play a few notes in a row and they sound blah, you have to deal with music immediately.
And if you play a few notes in a row and they sound blah, you have to deal with music immediately.