Meng Hai Lin – 29 Yrs Mobile phone Engineer Beijing 'Why people must to get married'.
If you are ready to get married, tell you a very important philosophical saying, you must bear with each other's shortcomings.
But in order to keep your throne, he must pick a harem woman get married, so he decided to get married then in newly-married a. m. the next day will own queen executed.
'People keep asking me when I'm going to get married, but we must be doing something right as we're still together.
If you're ready to get married, then tell you a very important philosophical saying, you must be patient and accommodating each other's shortcomings.
Finally those people who say that they don't want to get married must get married, just not with you.
You get married, must let me be your maid of honor. Because, we've agreed to go to church.
I can accept the naked wedding if I love my boyfriend and he also love me. we can work hard to get the car the house. the couple must meet each other everyday after getting married.
Roy: No. — MYRA: Well, what am I going to do instead? — Roy: going to get married. — MYRA: Roy, you must be mad.
Roy: No. — MYRA: Well, what am I going to do instead? — Roy: going to get married. — MYRA: Roy, you must be mad.