I can, from my computer at home, pull up satellite images of Juan's village.
I have my computer at home, and I love using it.
On my computer at home I've got a program that allows my computer to play chess.
If I'm on vacation and leave my computer at home, I can't access my email, photos, or any of my data when I need it.
I was killing my time at home until June 2012 when I discovered the online computer courses of your training center.
The point is that with the right technology, I can be sitting at my desk at home and using the computer in my office at school, just as if I were sitting in front of it.
I can remember feeling gobsmacked, and then calling my wife at home to ask her to start the Lotus Domino services on the home computer.
For my daughter, when she is home, she does have everything going - the TV, the computer, communicating with friends, and doing the homework at the same time.
就我的女儿而言,她在家时开着所有的东西- - -电视机,电脑,通过手机和朋友交流,同时完成她的作业。
Anyway, once I became conscious of the fact that I was getting no work done, I walked back home and sat down at my computer desk.
The Cloud is also changing informational relationships - no longer can you use the excuse, "it's on my other computer at home."
My life was a boring summer at home every day to prepare the next junior high school learning, and occasionally play with the computer while away their time every day to stay at home.
I usually wet to the Computer Club at lunchtime, so I could email my family and friends back home for free.
Alice: Nah. You go, I think I'll stay at home, work on my computer.
I work at home so I just hoped that my computer would work right and not have a bad hair day also.
Whenever I'm at home, if my computer is on, I feel obligated to be on it and working.
I logged everything in an electronic file at work and backed it up on my home computer, including a list of individuals who were witness to those events.
This week I ordered a new computer to replace one of my private machines at home.
At night, I often do my home work in the study and my father often plays the computer in it.
So, I was killing my time at home until June 2012 when I discovered the online computer courses of your training center.
In past years, I would often hit a roadblock in my attempts to teach children computer skills using an operating system most had at home.
My mother is sick at home today. If not, I'd be glad to help you fix your computer.
I may be moving the login to my home computer so no crashes for the login happen at least. WE'll see how it goes though.
I spent most of my summer vacation on staying at home, always sitting in front of the computer for a whole day.
I get up at 8:00, then do the morning exercise in the park which is near my home, then do my homework, sometimes I watch TV, sometimes I play computer games, I think it is very good.
Sorry everyone, I'm not sure why we've been having so many crashes and such. I may be moving the login to my home computer so no crashes for the login happen at least.
In my spare time, I like to play the computer at home.
Computer games can become an addiction. I know at least 5 people who got kicked out of my school because they skipped class all the time and stayed home playing World of Warcraft.
Computer games can become an addiction. I know at least 5 people who got kicked out of my school because they skipped class all the time and stayed home playing World of Warcraft.