I had 52 hits from China on my home computer.
I completed my journey fittingly, testing Hulu on my home computer screen.
I may be moving the login to my home computer so no crashes for the login happen at least. WE'll see how it goes though.
I logged everything in an electronic file at work and backed it up on my home computer, including a list of individuals who were witness to those events.
Sorry everyone, I'm not sure why we've been having so many crashes and such. I may be moving the login to my home computer so no crashes for the login happen at least.
I can, from my computer at home, pull up satellite images of Juan's village.
I was killing my time at home until June 2012 when I discovered the online computer courses of your training center.
I pour myself some cereal and gulp it down in my home office while waiting for the computer to boot up.
If I'm on vacation and leave my computer at home, I can't access my email, photos, or any of my data when I need it.
Today, I returned home for the first time in a year, and found my entire computer missing.
The father-of-three said: 'It wasn’t until I got my camera home and started putting the images on my computer that I saw all these shapes.
The point is that with the right technology, I can be sitting at my desk at home and using the computer in my office at school, just as if I were sitting in front of it.
I borrowed a friend's computer (an early Apple II with modem) to automate my fledgling home business, and soon found myself immersed in a frontier of online life.
Back home, Dixie put me into the iron lung and set up my computer so that I could write.
I can remember feeling gobsmacked, and then calling my wife at home to ask her to start the Lotus Domino services on the home computer.
For my daughter, when she is home, she does have everything going - the TV, the computer, communicating with friends, and doing the homework at the same time.
就我的女儿而言,她在家时开着所有的东西- - -电视机,电脑,通过手机和朋友交流,同时完成她的作业。
On my computer at home I've got a program that allows my computer to play chess.
Anyway, once I became conscious of the fact that I was getting no work done, I walked back home and sat down at my computer desk.
So I went home after my shift and fired up my computer.
After returning home, I will take the scanner on my computer.
The Cloud is also changing informational relationships - no longer can you use the excuse, "it's on my other computer at home."
My children kept badgering me to get a home computer.
So I went home, after finishing the dinner, I went to my bedroom to play the computer games.
I have my computer at home, and I love using it.
My life was a boring summer at home every day to prepare the next junior high school learning, and occasionally play with the computer while away their time every day to stay at home.
One day, when I went back home after school, my mother asked me to help her, she had some problems with the computer.
One day, when I went back home after school, my mother asked me to help her, she had some problems with the computer.
One day, when I went back home after school, my mother asked me to help her, she had some problems with the computer.