Back around the age of 19, I had started sending my short stories out for publication.
I cannot explain exactly why I had the confidence to be sending off my short stories at the age of 19 to, say, the New Yorker, or why it did not destroy me when I was inevitably rejected.
Yet, despite the competition, my 8-year-old daughter Rebecca wants to spend her leisure time writing short stories.
Short Stories from Australasia. My book appeared in front of my eyes.
Each week, I would read another of the short stories I planned to include in a novel to be called Haunted. My goal was to create horror around very ordinary things: carrots, candles, swimming pools.
Since I have learned so much within the last 60 years, I'd like to share my philosophies, as well as short stories, that might benefit you.
For my age, I like to read magazines or short stories to get relaxation as well as inspiration.
Alone again, I sit next to Ernest's grave and find his Complete Short Stories and a small flask of whisky in my bag.
Newspapers, magazines, short stories and novel, they are all my reading resources.
Again, that book was my fathers short stories compiled into a book.
So in the third year, my teacher just showed us short stories or newspaper articles or just things for everyday life to learn.
In university, I wrote short stories and a novel, I experimented with photography and 8 mm film, I made experimental videos and documentaries. I learned from my mistakes.
The subject of my research is the short historical stories in the early 1960 s.
Many years ago when I hated what I was doing for a living, I was encouraged by my career coach to write down several short stories about times and events in my life where I influenced the outcome.
许多年前,我厌倦了自己赖以谋生的工作。 我的职业教练鼓励我写下过去我影响了事件结果的几件事。 开始这让我有些犯难,但几天后,我写了超过15页纸。 这些是我影响了结果的事情; 让我获得成长并且/或者给我或我周围的人带来了更好的生存。
Many years ago when I hated what I was doing for a living, I was encouraged by my career coach to write down several short stories about times and events in my life where I influenced the outcome.
许多年前,我厌倦了自己赖以谋生的工作。 我的职业教练鼓励我写下过去我影响了事件结果的几件事。 开始这让我有些犯难,但几天后,我写了超过15页纸。 这些是我影响了结果的事情; 让我获得成长并且/或者给我或我周围的人带来了更好的生存。