Tonsillectomy alone or myringotomy alone should not be used to treat OME.
The incidence of otorrhea is very high 2 years after radiotherapy in patients treated by myringotomy and ventilation tube insertion.
Abstract : An optical system to perform the semiconductor laser myringotomy with the help of a video display and a pilot laser was designed and manufactured.
摘要 :设计并研制了一套可在视频监控和红光指示下实施半导体激光鼓膜造孔术的光学系统。
Objective the aim of this study is to determine the efficacy and safety of topical tetracaine anesthesia for out patient with myringotomy and myringotomy with a tube.
Objective to explore the effect of myringotomy with insertion of tube and tympanocentesis on alleviating secretory otitis media (SOM) and hearing loss in cleft palate infants.
Improvement of radiotherapy technique, effective drug, ventilation tube insertion and myringotomy may be helpful in prevention of secretory otitis. But the incidence of otorrhea is very high.
Improvement of radiotherapy technique, effective drug, ventilation tube insertion and myringotomy may be helpful in prevention of secretory otitis. But the incidence of otorrhea is very high.