The pundit who penned it predicted that the fledgling online bookseller would soon be crushed by Barnes & Noble (B&N), a book-retailing behemoth which had just launched its own site.
So instead you'd have to maybe if you start with wavelength, go over there, and then figure out velocity and do something more like kinetic energy equals 1/2 n b squared to get there.
In the case of France, there is the work of a brilliant military engineer called Vauban, v-a-u-b-a-n.
至于法国,这里有一位杰出的军事工程师的作品,工程师名叫 Vauban,v-a-u-b-a-n。
They include embedded 16GB memory, large battery capacity of 1850mAh, NFC (Near Field Communication), WiFi a/b/g/n support, and Bluetooth 3.0+HS.
包括16GB的嵌入式内存 1850毫安的超大电池容量,NFC(近距离通信)支持无线a /b /g /n格式以及蓝牙3.0头戴式耳机。
The other element of the equation, b, turns out to be directly related to T1. It is calculated from the relationship between the logarithms of the attack number, n, and the attack interval, Tn.
Next, Thread A resumes, and clearly *top and n->next do not match for this thread, because Thread B modified the contents of the top location.
接下来,线程A恢复执行,显然对于这个线程 *top和n->next不匹配,因为线程B修改了 top位置的内容。
fullprof A complex variable has real and imaginary parts written in the form b(x) = n(x) + iv(x) for two real-valued functions n(x) and v(x)
单复变量包含实数和虚数两部分,针对两个实值函数n(x) 和v(x)的表达式为:b(x) = n(x) +iv(x)。
Went to B. & N. and asked if they had any books on angels.
去B.&N. (barnesandnoble)并询问他们是否有关于天使的书籍。
The basketball court, DeSagana Diop explains, is in Parcelles Assainies, the neighborhood in which he grew up in Dakar and the unlikely starting point for a nine-year N. B. A. career.
This year, the N. B. A. named Dikembe Mutombo its global ambassador.
The last time N. B. A. free agency attracted so much attention was in 1996, when Shaquille O’Neal, entering his prime, switched coasts from Orlando to Los Angeles to join the Lakers.
11 b/g/n + Bluetooth 4.0 (oo-la-la!)
b/g/n +蓝牙4.0(哦啦啦!)
N. B. : It should be noted that in soft water areas, the amount of detergent used may be reduced to avoid excessive sudsing.
N. B. Please provide us with copies of the Vehicle Registration Document, the Driving Licenses of all Drivers.
There are various kinds of music: classical, jazz, rock 'n' roll, pop, hip-pop, and R&B, just to name a few.
N. B. Please enclose photocopies of relevant certificates and transcripts. Provision of original copies for verification is.
On coming up from dinner, however, (N. B. - I dine between twelve and one o'clock;
Methods liver functions and liver B ultrasonic examination were carried out in 33 chronic n-hexane poisoning patients, 60 n-hexane exposed workers and 30 control workers.
N. B. If you submit your application electronically, typing your name will be taken as being as binding as your signature.
Conclusion: There no diagnosis value of WBC and lymphocyte to infant diarrhea disease, but neutrophilic band form and B/N value are important for the infant diarrhea diagnosis.
N. B. To use the skateboard ramp, or some outdoor activities, please contact the office as a SEPARATE FORM must be filled in.
N. B. Having said all this, I have played a test game at LLM with Closing Down set to the heavy High Quality settings for home games and it was very effective.
In this dissertation, the first-principle has been investigated about B-C-N ternary system, which has significant values of theory study and extensive foreground of applications.
本论文对B - C - N三元体系进行了第一性原理研究。本项研究不仅具有较为重要的理论研究价值,而且有着十分广阔的应用前景。
In this dissertation, the first-principle has been investigated about B-C-N ternary system, which has significant values of theory study and extensive foreground of applications.
本论文对B - C - N三元体系进行了第一性原理研究。本项研究不仅具有较为重要的理论研究价值,而且有着十分广阔的应用前景。