Weighted naive Bayes is it extension.
Naive Bayes is easy to implement and fast, so it is widely used.
The first approach is a simple Map-Reduce-enabled Naive Bayes classifier.
第一种方法是使用简单的支持Map - Reduce的Naive Bayes分类器。
Multi-layer classifier Topic search engine Computer education resources Naive Bayes;
多层分类器; 垂直搜索引擎;计算机教育资源;朴素贝叶斯;
On the other hand, Naive Bayes is weighted by computing the confidence of association rules.
Naive Bayes is an algorithm that can be used to classify objects into usually binary categories.
Absrtact: An augmented naive Bayes classifier of Bayes classifier family is studied in this paper.
A simple machine learning algorithm called naive Bayes can separate legitimate email from spam email.
In this paper, we investigate enhancement of naive Bayes classifier using feature weighting technique.
Although the Naive Bayes spam filter is simple and convenient, the recall and precision are hard to be improved.
So a new Bayesian model mixed tree augmented Naive Bayes classifier(MTANC) based on the rough set theory is presented.
This paper takes Naive Bayes Classifier as an illustration to describe how to construct a prediction module in detail.
In this paper, we investigate enhancement to naive Bayes classifier using feature weighting technique based on rough set theory.
TAN classifier extends the structure of Naive Bayes classifier by adding augmenting arcs that obey certain structural restrictions.
However, for this article, I'll show only the Naive Bayes approach, because it demonstrates the overall problem and inputs in Mahout.
但在本文中,我只会演示Naive Bayes方法,因为这能让您看到总体问题和Mahout中的输入。
The experiment of Naive Bayes classification indicates that this method can effectively improve classification precision of Chinese texts.
This paper USES the improved K-means (IKM) algorithm to process the missing data and thus improve the precision of the Naive Bayes classifier.
本文利用改进的K -均值算法对缺失数据进行处理,提高了朴素贝叶斯分类的精确度。
Naive Bayes classifiers often break down when the size of the training examples per class are not balanced or when the data is not independent enough.
当各类的训练示例的大小不平衡,或者数据的独立性不符合要求时,Naive Bayes分类器会出现故障。
Many algorithms are used to create supervised learners, the most common being neural networks, Support Vector Machines (SVMs), and Naive Bayes classifiers.
创建监管学习程序需要使用许多算法,最常见的包括神经网络、SupportVectorMachines (SVMs)和Naive Bayes分类程序。
Otherwise, information extracting, information preprocessing technique, inquiry interface, and information filter technique based on naive bayes is put forward.
Most of the content-based filtering algorithms are based on vector space model, of which Naive Bayes algorithm and K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) algorithm are widely used.
Naive Bayes classifier is a simple and effective classification method. Classifying based on Bayes Technology has got more and more attentions in the field of data mining.
Naive Bayes classifier is a simple and effective classification method based on probability theory, but its attribute independence assumption is often violated in the real world.
Naive Bayes algorithm is a simple and effective classification algorithm. However, its classification performance is affected by its conditional attribute independence assumption.
This paper focuses on privacy preserving classification, and presents a privacy preserving Naive Bayes classification approach based on data randomization and feature reconstruction.
It was the highlights of the paper that the method combined the explicit features and naive bayes classifier together to identify both of the encrypted and not encrypted P2P traffic.
着重介绍了采用明文特征和朴素贝叶斯分类相结合的方法,对加密的以及未加密的P 2 P流量进行识别。
Naive Bayes classification is a kind of simple and effective classification model. However, the performance of this model may be poor due to the assumption on the condition independence.
Naive Bayes classifier is a simple and effective classification method, but its attribute independence assumption makes it unable to express the dependence among attributes in the real world.
If the NB conditional independence assumption actually holds, a Naive Bayes classifier will converge quicker than discriminative models like logistic regression, so you need less training data.
This article introduced the theory of naive Bayes and discussed two popular models: multinomial model (MM) and Bernoulli model (BM) in details, implemented runnable code and performed some data tests.