Name of unit, name of legal representative or business owner and the number of his resident identification card, passport or other legal documentation;
Article 33 Alterations of the name, legal representative, key principal or investor of any employer may not influence the performance of the labor contracts.
The name and domicile of the legal representative.
After the contract becomes effective, a party shall not refuse to perform its obligation owning to any change in its name or change of its legal representative, person in charge, or undertake.
The name and certificate of qualification or certificate of practice of the legal representative or the principal person in charge of the medical institution.
The company business license shall state the name, domicile, registered capital, actually paid capital, business scope, the name of the legal representative and etc.
Article 33 Where an employing unit changes its name, legal representative, major responsible person or investors, the performance of the labor contract shall not be affected.
Mainly include: company name, shareholder information, registered capital, registered address, business scope, director of the board of supervisors, legal representative information, etc...
The name of the legal representative, general technical superintendent and the general project superintendent of the preparation unit, and signed by the above person or authorized with stamp.
The name and residence or domicile of the legal representative or the representative for the application and his or her relationship with the applicant.
Article 12 in the Veterinary Drug manufacturing Licence shall be clearly stated the scope and place of manufacturing, expiry date, the name and address of the legal representative, etc.
Article 23 in the Veterinary Drug distribution Licence shall be clearly stated the scope of distribution, place of business, expiry date, the name and address of the legal representative, etc.
Article 23 in the Veterinary Drug distribution Licence shall be clearly stated the scope of distribution, place of business, expiry date, the name and address of the legal representative, etc.