As part of the 2007 RoboCup in Atlanta, Georgia, a new fleet of bots debuted in the Nanogram Demonstration competition in July.
A transport and delivery system for nanogram quantities of molecular species that does not use microfluidic channels, pumps, or valves is described.
It presents a simple method was presented for the separation and preparation of insect pheromones at the nanogram level by using gas chromatography (GC).
China requires that incinerators discharge no more than one nanogram of dioxin per cubic metre. The European Union sets a standard that is one-tenth of that amount.
Combining the isotopic dilution (ID) method with the on-line fractionation correction method, the rhenium content can be determined accurately at sub-nanogram level using the normal solution n.
Combining the isotopic dilution (ID) method with the on-line fractionation correction method, the rhenium content can be determined accurately at sub-nanogram level using the normal solution n.