The plane owned by United Arab Emirates-based TransAfrik was under contract by the U. S. -based company National Air Cargo, Judge said.
"The company has confirmed that a TransAfrik L-100 aircraft flying from Bagram to Kabul went down shortly before 8:00 p. m.," National air Cargo said in a statement.
“公司已证实,一架泛非国际航空公司的L- 100飞机从巴格·拉姆飞往喀布尔,在下午8点以前坠落,”国家货物公司在一个声明中说。
"The company has confirmed that a TransAfrik L-100 aircraft flying from Bagram to Kabul went down shortly before 8:00 p. m.," National air Cargo said in a statement.
“公司已证实,一架泛非国际航空公司的L- 100飞机从巴格·拉姆飞往喀布尔,在下午8点以前坠落,”国家货物公司在一个声明中说。