National Bank of Greece SA rose 1.4 percent to 10.29 euros.
希腊最大的银行希腊国民银行(National Bank of Greece SA)股价上涨1.4%,至10.29欧元。
So those such as the National bank of Greece, or the Nordic Banks, with a focus on retail or commercial banking, look good.
因此,专注于零售或商业银行业务的希腊国民银行(National Bank of Greece)或北欧的那些银行看起来状况不错。
The stock price of Spain's Banco Santander fell 3.6% in Madrid, while the National Bank of Greece tumbled 6.6% in Athens.
西班牙国家银行(BancoSantander)在马德里股市下跌3.6%,而希腊国家银行(National Bank of Greece)在雅典股市重挫6.6%。
National Bank of Greece SA, the country’s biggest lender, will pass stress tests, chairman Vassilios T. Rapanos said this week.
National Bank of Greece SA, the nation’s biggest bank, fell 3.9 percent to 10.76 euros, driving the benchmark ASE Index down 1.9 percent, the biggest fall among 18 western European markets.
希腊最大的银行希腊国民银行(National Bank of Greece)股价下跌3.9%,至10.76欧元,导致希腊ASE指数下跌1.9%,创下18个西欧股市中最大跌幅。
National Bank of Greece SA, the nation’s biggest bank, fell 3.9 percent to 10.76 euros, driving the benchmark ASE Index down 1.9 percent, the biggest fall among 18 western European markets.
希腊最大的银行希腊国民银行(National Bank of Greece)股价下跌3.9%,至10.76欧元,导致希腊ASE指数下跌1.9%,创下18个西欧股市中最大跌幅。