But that willingness was being battered by globalization and multiculturalism and by new waves of immigrants with no deep attachments to America's national identity.
Civilians taking public transport to Jaffna no longer need defence-ministry authorisation; just three copies of their national identity card will do.
"Our business is shrinking," says Dettre, and as a result local films are no longer as important as they once were in "strengthening national identity and addressing social problems."
"Our business is shrinking, " says Dettre, and as a result, local films are no longer as important as they once were in "strengthening national identity and addressing social problems."
No one wants to be the country without an Olympic anthem. Pop music is also part of the British national identity.
Malkki, Liisa. "National geographic: the rooting of peoples and the territorialization of national identity among scholars and refugees. " Cultural Anthropology 7, no. 1 (1992): 24-44.
民族地理学:人民的根源与学者和难民的民族认同领域化〉 《文化人类学》第七卷第一期(1992年)24-44页。
Malkki, Liisa. "National geographic: the rooting of peoples and the territorialization of national identity among scholars and refugees. " Cultural Anthropology 7, no. 1 (1992): 24-44.
民族地理学:人民的根源与学者和难民的民族认同领域化〉 《文化人类学》第七卷第一期(1992年)24-44页。