Natural ecological balance, the human body naturally healthy!
With the further development of human nature, ACTS of destructing the natural ecological balance are intensified.
Forest is playing a vital role in maintaining natural ecological balance, improving ecological environment, preventing and remedying pollution etc.
The sunshine, air, water, green natural element such as introducing indoor environment, and create a comfortable working environment and realizing the beautiful natural ecological balance and harmony.
The ecological balance is the instinctive movement of the ecosystem by "self cause, self conduct, natural presence, and self existence".
The ecological balance of natural is damaged seriously, and human-induced geological disasters are increasingly frequently.
These are advantageous to the natural propagation and rejuvenation of wild walnut, and favourable to keeping ecological balance.
That definitely breaks the ecological balance of these areas and destroys the natural beauty of the scenic spots.
Overusing the natural resources has already affected the ecological balance.
The overuse of natural resources has affected ecological balance.
With the sharp drop in the stock of natural resources and the severely damaged ecological balance, the living environment of human beings has also been a severe challenge.
Petroleum pollution bring a great danger to ocean fishery resource, destroy the natural structure of soil and affect the ecological balance.
At the same time, this is a serious danger to the rib natural balance between the ecological environment.
Petroleum pollution brings a great danger to ocean fishery resource, destroy the natural structure of soil and affect the ecological balance.
People should respect and protect nature and obey the natural laws, in order to maintain the balance of ecological environment, and then make the human civilization come to a further prospect.
For one thing, to meet its ecological requirement the design should maintain the ecological balance or leave it undisturbed, agrees with the existing natural landscape and natural order.
People should respect and protect nature and obey the natural laws, in order to maintain the balance of ecological environment, and then make the human civilization come to a further prospect.
As a result, the ecological balance is upset, our times are out of control, the natural environment is ruined, and people's living environment has worsened.
Algal residues, solid wastes in brown algae industrial production, can destroy ecological balance if they are discharged directly into natural water.
Algal residues, solid wastes in brown algae industrial production, can destroy ecological balance if they are discharged directly into natural water.