Picea is not only major natural forest resources in Qinghai, but also fine tree species of afforestation and urban greening.
And these days, 90% of those chopsticks are sourced from China. Did you have any idea that Japan was using Chinese natural forest resources to make its disposable wooden chopsticks?
By now, it has been nearly ten years for implementing natural forest protection project in these areas, thus natural forest resources have been gotten effective protection and restoration.
Huang Long has unique scenery, rich natural resources and a primeval forest.
Second, it must foster the satisfaction of future global needs for food and forest products without compromising the sustainability of the earth's fragile natural resources or its climate.
Kathy: Well, we want to save our natural resources for the next generation. You know...... clean air, clean water and rich forest and wildlife.
Forest resources. animal resources and other natural landscape and cultural damage and pollution.
Forest management majors combine the study of forestry with the study of natural resources management.
Second, we may hardly make full use of practical activity resources out of school, such as zoo, botanical garden, district resources around school, natural reserve and forest park, etc.
Money, therefore, is used as a tool in imputing value to natural resources such as a forest.
Xishan district of Kunming city was included in Natural Forest Protection Project owning to its rich tourism resources and the protection role it played on Dianchi lake.
Yunnan Province is famous for its gorgeous natural environments and abundant resources of animal, plant, mineral, forest, water power, agriculture and tourism.
Northeast area is one of areas with the most substantial natural resources of our country forest.
Factor in the sharp drop in forest resources around the world, due to natural or man-made factors causing forest area is significantly reduced.
Lublin Province is qualified with abundant natural resources, for instance, 2 national forest parks, 17 sightseeing parks, 83 natural reservation areas and 1500 natural reservation museums.
Article 58 the State shall protect and make a rational use of the natural resources such as water, forest, grassland, wild animals and plants, and protect them from pollution or destruction.
The quota system that designs with place is right management circumstance of assets of natural resources of forest of some forestry centre undertook analytic evaluating.
Of natural resources, sub as follows: biological resources, agricultural resources, forest resources, land resources, mineral resources, Marine resources, climate, meteorology, water resources.
Our city suburb is located in Campagna, land natural resources, especially appropriate forest land is few.
From the strategic point of view, it is the most important area with peak-forest karst landscape for the development of natural tourist resources.
Russian Far East is rich in natural resources. Forest covers an area of about 2.6 hectares. It is also the largest red pine areas, with an annual output of pine nuts up to 5-8 million tons.
俄罗斯远东地区拥有丰富的自然资源,森林覆盖面积约2.6亿公顷,俄罗斯远东地区又是红松最多的地区,年产松籽达5 - 8万吨。
Forest resources are extremely important natural resources.
Since the nation has implemented the natural forest protection project, non-wood resources are taking more and more attention.
According as status of natural resources of tropical area of Yunnan, to discussion application of tropical fruit trees on compound eco-agricultural fanning and forest technology this area.
Sichuan is a big province which abound in natural resources. The forest resources mostly distributed in the west part of the province. It is also the main forest region in the south-west of China.
The advances on natural enemy of forest long horned beetle in China, including biology, utilization, resources investigations, were reviewed.
The main protected objects were soil, mountain forest, river, damp, mineral resources and other natural resources.
Based on survey resources in the past years, natural forest stand structure of Pinus tabulaeformis in Machibei was studied.
Based on survey resources in the past years, natural forest stand structure of Pinus tabulaeformis in Machibei was studied.