According to the characteristics of natural language understanding and expert system of network fault diagnosis, the extended production rule was presented.
The paper analyzes current theory and technology of Expert System, then adopts the interactive method of natural language and puts up "the QA System for Character Relations in HONGLOUMENG".
As an example, a natural language interface (NLI) having a limited subset of English to a specific expert system for database design (ERGTORS) is designed and implemented with TURBO PROLOG on IBM PC.
作为实例,为数据库设计专家系统(ERGTORS)设计了一个具有有限英语子集的自然语言接口(NLI),并在IBM PC上用TurboProlog实现。
As an example, a natural language interface (NLI) having a limited subset of English to a specific expert system for database design (ERGTORS) is designed and implemented with TURBO PROLOG on IBM PC.
作为实例,为数据库设计专家系统(ERGTORS)设计了一个具有有限英语子集的自然语言接口(NLI),并在IBM PC上用TurboProlog实现。