The unemployment rate actually rose, to 9.1%, in May: the rate of job creation is barely keeping track with the natural increase in the working-age population.
In recent years, 90% of natural grass have shown various degrees of degeneration against exceptional weather word-wide and exceeding fast increase of population in pasturing areas.
Natural regeneration and dispersal of artificial S. caseolaris population had more or less occurred, which may increase the structural complexity and stability of the artificial population.
The natural increase and movement of the population of villages are the main factors influencing village growth.
Recently, with the emergency of the shortage of natural resources and the continuous increase of the population, the relationship of grain supplies and demands become unbalanced gradually in China.
With the rapidly development of world economy and rapidly growth of population, it makes the demand for various natural resources increase day by day, especially non-renewable resource.
The natural condition, population increase and economy development are mostly responsible for these damages.
The natural condition, population increase and economy development are mostly responsible for these damages.