Afforestation The establishment of forest on land not previously forested, either by natural succession or by planting.
It is a useful practical technology for direct seeding in vegetation restoration, while method of natural succession can not be used.
A natural vegetation succession occurs spontaneously or with the suitable man measures after the continuous disturbance is removed.
Education can counteract the natural tendency to do the wrong thing, but the inexorable succession of generations requires that the basis for this knowledge be constantly refreshed.
The natural vegetation succession rule is also obtained from many years vegetation investigation, which provided the scientific basis and the theory instruction for the vegetation to restore.
In the natural river succession, the Yellow river course is in its critical situation and will probably change again.
The results show that after land use conversion, the natural vegetation communities soon exhibited positive succession, with increasing biomass and improving soil infiltration.
The results show that after land use conversion, the natural vegetation communities soon exhibited positive succession, with increasing biomass and improving soil infiltration.