In the realm of painting, coloring is an important category in expressiveness and expounding the individuality and nature of the creator.
Is it not so that birds, the wind, the sea and all nature speaks with the music of praise for their creator?
Is it not so that birds, the wind, the sea and all nature speaks with the music of praise for their creator?
Posterity will some day laugh at the foolishness of modern materialistic philosophy. The more I study nature, the more I am amazed the Creator.
All of nature is a grand symphony conducted by the Creator.
As to the nature, the human being is creator, the subject of education. The ultimate purpose of the present education is the human being's greatest freedom and emancipation.
Is it not so that birds, the wind, the sea and all nature speak with the music of praise for their creator?
Letting nature take its course allows you to experience the magic of nature and the Creator wonderful!
Is it the magic pen of the Nature or the mystic brush of the Creator that so willfully and unscrupulously in thick or light colours dye the great universe wonderfully?
Photography and travel lovers are encouraged to use their camera to capture every piece of art by the Creator of Nature and participate once again in this annual photography event.
Photography and travel lovers are encouraged to use their camera to capture every piece of art by the Creator of Nature and participate once again in this annual photography event.