If you don't want to lounge on the beach, you can go on a guided walk along the nature trail.
While it is much more visited than the nature trail I just described, it is definitely also worth a visit.
A short nature trail overhung with verdant, sweetly scented vegetation circles past cascading Kahuna Falls and the astonishing Akaka Falls.
Our route started in the center of the small town of 'Hinterstoder', which is a famous skiing resort in Upper Austria, but quickly led out on a nature trail.
The three-hour guided visits are a walk through time, along a well-designed nature trail past a wealth of exposed fossils dating as far back as the Tertiary, some 40 million years ago.
Many of the plots are tended in some way, some are left to return to nature, perhaps with a trail or two through them.
Hikers can get to Kitsiputous Falls by following the trail that leads through the Malla Strict Nature Reserve.
I jumped out, ready to set off up the trail towards our date with Mother Nature.
When he was in Kanas Nature reserve, Xinjiang in 1996, a photographer snapped a picture of a white bear by chance. 10 years since then, the bear had tucked away high in mountains, leaving no trail.
When he was in Kanas Nature reserve, Xinjiang in 1996, a photographer snapped a picture of a white bear by chance. 10 years since then, the bear had tucked away high in mountains, leaving no trail.