Yellow colored single paper bag and double paper bag with black inner linings were used for bagging the Newhall navel orange fruits, and the fruit quality indices were analyzed.
Another fruit subject to such human-assisted reproduction is the ubiquitous navel orange.
The results show that the total sugar in fruit juice of Bingtang orange and Bingtang navel orange is gradually increased, together with the gradual increase of the content of total sugar .
For the first bearing fruit tree, high rate of generation of xanthochroism of secondary fruit of the navel orange is closely concerned with nutrition disorder of Ca in the tree.
As a favorite fruit, navel orange is widely planted around the railway in the south China, especially in Sichuan, Chongqing, Hubei, Jiangxi and Guizhou.
The causes of fruit drop and its control techniques are very important factors to impact the yields of navel orange.
Cadmium, chromium and lead in the root, branch, leaf, peel and fruit of navel orange from South Jiangxi Province were determined by ICP-AES, after the microwave digestion of the samples.
Cadmium, chromium and lead in the root, branch, leaf, peel and fruit of navel orange from South Jiangxi Province were determined by ICP-AES, after the microwave digestion of the samples.