It landed on the near side of the moon.
For decades scientists have been trying to understand why the visible near side of the Moon is covered in craters while the far side has mountain ranges higher than 3, 000 metres.
Although it is often regarded as the dark side of the moon, the far side actually gets as much sunshine as the near side.
The far side of the moon is of particular interest to scientists because it has a lot of deep craters, more so than the familiar near side.
Astronauts sent as part of NASA's Apollo missions found trace amounts of silver, along with gold, on the near-side (Earth-facing side) of the Moon.
You can still see the moon near Jupiter tonight, but now the moon has moved to the other side of the planet.
Pictured above, the area near a crater on the far side of the Moon shows a relatively high abundance of water-carrying minerals in false-color blue.
When the Moon is on the near side of its orbit, it will block out all of the Sun's light resulting in a total eclipse.
Global mapping has shown that these ancient mare flows are very widespread across the far side of the moon and the limb regions (the border between the near and far sides).
Global mapping has shown that these ancient mare flows are very widespread across the far side of the moon and the limb regions (the border between the near and far sides).