One method was to generate phosphene closest to the target point in regular arrays using weighted nearest neighbor search.
The reverse nearest neighbor search in dynamic environments is becoming a hot topic, and an efficient space trimming method is the bottleneck of such a search.
Furthermore, the strategies of probabilistic search, nearest neighbor search and a goal guiding function are applied to enable the searching to be rapid and efficient.
An additional factor which plays apart in estimation of the values at the grid nodes is weighting to be placed on the different data values located by the nearest neighbor search.
Modifying the classical distance metrics definition in nearest neighbor search, it's a beneficial attempt in querying process that research in combining nearest neighbor query with range query.
However, in such clustering algorithms, the search for nearest neighbor in the construction of minimum spanning trees is the main source of computation and the standard solutions take o (N-2) time.
然而,在这样的聚类算法,对最近在最小生成树建设邻居搜索是计算的主要来源和标准的解决方案采取的O (N - 2)的时间。
The experimental results show that the computing time for the new algorithm is 80% that of the improved equal-average equal-variance nearest-neighbor search (IEENNS) algorithm.
The rating is given a weight by a gradual time decrease which is weighted to search the nearest neighbor of the target user.
In the improved algorithm, the search field for the nearest neighbor is reduced, resulting in increased efficiency.
In order to improve the performance of chemistry-focused search engines, an automatic text categorization algorithm is proposed based on the distance-weighted k-nearest neighbor algorithm.
In order to improve the performance of chemistry-focused search engines, an automatic text categorization algorithm is proposed based on the distance-weighted k-nearest neighbor algorithm.