They are truly lumps of nebular matter, probably similar in composition to the matter from which planets were assembled.
At one time it was thought that these matrix grains might be pristine nebular dust, the sort of stuff from which chondrules and inclusions were made.
The remnant nebular gas pervades the interplanetary space.
Ultraviolet radiation from the hot star powers the nebular glow.
Within the Iris, dusty nebular material surrounds a hot, young star.
(Astronomy) the nebular hypothesis of the origin of the solar system.
Wu Tongchun's nebular art is expressed by the character of traditional Chinese painting.
Look for a small nebular patch North-East of bright star Deneb in the constellation of Cygnus.
The magnitude of the turbulence then follows directly from the observed line with if the nebular gas temperature is known.
If a protoplanet was large enough, soon enough, its gravity would pull in the nebular gas, and it would become a gas giant.
Normally this material is invisible, but some of it can be seen in silhouette against the nebular background, as long dust lanes and a small, dark, elliptical-shaped knot.
The most obvious advantage is that 'because of their inability to scatter appreciably, nebular radio waves completely and genuinely delineate the distribution of nebular gas.
Below the frame center and just to the right of Alnitak lies the Horsehead nebula, a dark indentation of dense dust that has perhaps the most recognized nebular shapes on the sky.
Below the frame center and just to the right of Alnitak lies the Horsehead nebula, a dark indentation of dense dust that has perhaps the most recognized nebular shapes on the sky.