Yet that is a necessary but not sufficient condition for its success.
This aspect two is a necessary but not sufficient aspect of measurement.
Mr Gales's reinvention of Peugeot is a necessary but not sufficient step in the right direction.
Powerful chemical agents are a necessary but not sufficient condition for a chemical warfare capability.
In other words, basic science is a necessary but not sufficient condition for remaining industrially competitive.
'Passion is a necessary but not sufficient condition for success in the workplace,' says James Elsen, President and chief executive officer of SustainableCircles Corp.
的总裁兼首席执行长詹姆斯•爱尔森(James Elsen)表示,要想取得事业上的成功,热爱是必要条件,但并非充分条件。
Therefore, the presence of abundant 4-methyl steranes is a necessary but not sufficient indicator for the Wenchang Formation source in the eastern Pearl River Mouth Basin.
This problem is usually compounded by the measurement systems that are put in place to reward people for doing work that is necessary but not sufficient on its own to deliver a successful solution.
It is heartening that there is coordination among developed countries in the management of the crisis. That is welcome and necessary, but not sufficient.
The tools that could be taught in the classroom may be necessary, but not sufficient.
You mean a necessary condition but not sufficient.
Our modern lifestyle is thus a necessary, but not a sufficient, condition for the high prevalence of obesity in our population.
Good presenters know that the content (data, evidence, logic) is a necessary condition but not a sufficient condition for a truly world class presentation job.
Texting and telephoning may be necessary in modern friendship, but alone, they are not sufficient.
But if America is a necessary part of the solution in Palestine, it is not sufficient.
Being able to trace who said what is a necessary condition for building a system of trust, but this is not generally sufficient by itself.
Profit was viewed as necessary, but not sufficient, to justify everything Apple did.
This is a necessary, but not sufficient reason to start a business now.
But, it seems equally clear that this necessary condition (call it the neutrality condition) is not sufficient.
The LFS project is, obviously, based on the source files that are sufficient — but not necessary — to make up a basic Linux system.
That is a necessary but not a sufficient condition, as the type of rock involved, called carbonaceous chondrite, is found in other asteroids, too.
Technical excellence is not a sufficient prerequisite for success but, in the long term, it is a necessary prerequisite.
This showed that the homogeneity of problem solving strategies was the necessary condition but not the sufficient condition for the fitting of LLTM.
Although not obtain the knowledge's sufficient conditions, but JTB model can still be saved as a set of necessary conditions.
So I don't want to oversell this: it is not sufficient to build a peaceful, free world, but it is absolutely necessary.
For promotion it is a necessary but not a sufficient requirement that you perform your current duties diligently.
For promotion it is a necessary but not a sufficient requirement that you perform your current duties diligently.