No one pays attention to the soul where these hard work comes from, it only needs to satisfy the rich with a big belly.
In addition to the architecture, the enterprise also has a set of requirements it needs to satisfy.
But that might rattle nerves: Latvia still needs to satisfy international lenders and stick to tight austerity policies.
Labor is the production product that the mankind needs to satisfy oneself and has and the purposeful activity that provide a service.
The constructional reinforcement for rc members under torsion is the minimum ratio and needs to satisfy with the construction demand.
It indicates that the design work needs to satisfy human requirements by applying ergonomic knowledge to protect the operators health and safety.
The twists and turns of thought, the repeated requests to the society, or the sudden repetition on the mind, are the needs to satisfy our happiness.
The design of coal industry construction needs to satisfy the demands of technical process and the structure system itself standard requests, also needs to have the human natural design idea.
I tried to satisfy the needs of the old woman who only needed a helping hand.
It is, therefore, not the satisfaction of a need but a mere means to satisfy needs outside itself.
Technology is the application of scientific method and knowledge to industry to satisfy our material needs and wants.
Because each of these customers may do business differently, an NMS must have a highly adaptable configuration mechanism and user interface to satisfy the diverse needs of its customers.
To satisfy the needs of business users, the data is further integrated by reporting tools and visually presented as dashboard views.
If more than one training course will be created, then create a curriculum map to show the order in which training should be taken to satisfy different user roles and needs.
Thus the purpose of the system is to satisfy a set of stakeholder needs — the system requirements.
The SQL statement used in each DB2 Stored Procedure can be modified very easily to satisfy your specific needs.
极易对每个DB 2存储过程中使用的sql语句进行修改,以满足特定您的特定需要。
The goal of a project is ultimately to satisfy a client's needs, and frameworks such as CMMI are designed to help you achieve this.
People who report seeing representations of passivity or helplessness in the blots are thought to have a dependent personality, meaning they rely on others to satisfy their needs.
To communicate how the service will satisfy user's needs the brown info-block at the right hand at the bottom of the page is used (Desire, d).
The MDM system can satisfy all master data needs from the EPCIS system related to attributes from the GDSN, as well as other master attributes it manages as authoritative source.
I conducted an exercise to create a view of the RUP to satisfy the needs of the SQA role, as identified in the CMM.
The advantage here is that the memory is used only to satisfy user needs as much as possible.
As human, we all are motivated to satisfy certain needs at different stages.
"As long as we have some money to satisfy basic needs and have fun, that will be enough," she said.
You can help such smokers find other ways to satisfy their needs. For example, using simple relaxation techniques to relieve stress instead of reaching out for cigarettes.
Part 3:It is as if we really are like a virus on this planet, destroying all of nature to satisfy our own needs.
SQuirreL SQL is a great tool to satisfy your database testing needs.
We are reading letters from our people everyday and we are doing our best to satisfy their needs.
Each port type that denotes a task in our business process needs to be implemented to satisfy the business logic that it is responsible for carrying it out.
Each port type that denotes a task in our business process needs to be implemented to satisfy the business logic that it is responsible for carrying it out.