Then again, negative mood also seems to peak around midnight.
At the peak of the bubble, consumption had risen from 65% to 72% of GDP, and the savings rate plunged to zero and even negative for a few quarters.
Positive feelings peak early in the morning and again nearer midnight, while negative feelings peak between 9pm and 3am.
In addition, in the same study, all patients were evaluated with dobutamine stress echo, which was negative in all; IMA levels were unchanged at baseline, peak stress and 1 hour after stress.31.
Property prices have fallen by around 20% since their peak in autumn 2007, pushing an increasing number of households into negative equity; some reckon prices ha30e the same again to fall.
Schottky barrier rectifier. Case negative. Maximum recurrent peak reverse voltage 50 V. Maximum average forward rectified current 8.0 A.
肖特基势垒整流器。案例负。经常性最大峰值反向电压50V最大平均正向整流电流8.0 A。
Experimentally, a light pulse propagating through the atomic vapor cell has its peak reaching the exit side before entering it, resulting in a negative transit time, and negative group velocity.
The negative differential resistance devices with two negative resistance regions (twin-peak NDR devices) can be built by circuit synthesis approach.
The results showed that Chen, H8205, R22 strains antigens can directly activate C_3, typical degradative peak was found after electrophoresis. But ALC96 and normal antigen were negative.
结果陈株、H8205、R 22 3株病毒抗原,可以直接激活补体C_3,电泳后呈现典型降解峰,而ALC96与正常细胞抗原则均为阴性。
They focus mainly on the off-peak period because of the negative impact of seasonality.
The trends of absolute increasing rate of LW and absolute expanding rate of leaf area (LA) were represented by positive-negative single-peak curves.
The corresponding peak value position, half band-width and peak value's allowance of Red, Green and Blue of color measurements of color negative films are provided.
Sample the negative voltage on the diode series with IGBT by Peak hold switch circuit, and cut-in A/D module in the DSP, compared with setting value.
通过电压峰值采样保持电路对IGBT串联二极管反压值进行采样,后经DSP A/D转换模块与反压设定值进行比较。
Researches indicate that negative peak value of the output voltage of the testing winding is linear with the positive DC magnetic biasing potential;
This is a negative sign for these currencies and especially since the longer-term cycles are calling for a peak between now and the end of June.
The results show that there is a negative relationship between peak shear displacement and joint roughness but a positive relationship between peak shear displacement and normal stress.
The results show that there is a negative relationship between peak shear displacement and joint roughness but a positive relationship between peak shear displacement and normal stress.