Arc furnace is a typical unbalanced impact load. It pours a great deal of negative sequence component to power system, so measures shou ld be taken to compensate the arc furnace load.
The scheme includes the transverse differential protection, the directional relay action on negative sequence power of fault component and the incomplete differential protection.
Based on the symmetry component theory, a method of the motor protection is presented by measuring positive, negative and zero sequence current component.
The concept of a new- style and high- precision fault component, synthetic negative sequence vector SNSV is proposed in the paper.
文中提出一种新型的、高精度的故障分量——综合负序矢量的概念 ,并给出综合三相负序分量的实时算法。
The concept of a new- style and high- precision fault component, synthetic negative sequence vector SNSV is proposed in the paper.
文中提出一种新型的、高精度的故障分量——综合负序矢量的概念 ,并给出综合三相负序分量的实时算法。