Mother's day, ErNvQing, carnation, nepenthes!
I like the lyrics of "nepenthes" very much. Don't know whether StormCaster.
By following the ideas in this list, you will get off to a better start in growing Nepenthes.
A low-interaction honeypot like Nepenthes is easy to install and requires minimal maintenance.
The species is popularly known as "Nepenthes viking" after the resemblance the pitchers bear to the prow of a Viking ship.
My sideway shop was the biggest one at that time. Every Nep. enthusiasts knew my shop. I sold more than 30 types of Nepenthes.
Mother church before planting plant nepenthes, wish mother happy, no worries, mother put a basin of bed carnation, wish mother happy and healthy body.
The only motive to devote myself to study Nepenthes Viking in habitat is curiosity. Its existence is quite interesting as well as its amazing pitcher shape.
Some members of the nepenthes pitcher plant family are large vines that can grow to several metres in length. some pitcher plants catch frogs as well as insects.
Each of the cuplike traps on an attenborough's pitcher plant (Nepenthes attenboroughii's) is as big as an American football-making the pitchers among the largest known.
阿滕伯勒猪笼草(Nepenthesattenboroughii ' s)是世界上已发现最大的猪笼草之一,叶顶的瓶状陷阱又大又深,个个都有美式橄榄球那么大。
Only a small group of Thai people grew Nepenthes. Perhaps, it's a kind of useless vine growing easily everywhere in the wild. The shape and colour looked unattractive.
Only a small group of Thai people grew Nepenthes. Perhaps, it's a kind of useless vine growing easily everywhere in the wild. The shape and colour looked unattractive.