Net-addiction often occurs among teenagers.
It is said that online gaming is one of the main reasons for net-addiction.
Recently, Illegal Organization caused "net addiction" juvenile perish, "Internet addiction" topic convoluted controversy, causing panic and great psychological pressure among parents.
Firstly, people's understanding is wrong. Net addiction is essentially a social problem. But people have to define it as a mental illness required treatment.
What because the net addiction proportion is highest, and not entered the society officially the young people, inquired into their network becomes addicted to the reason appears very important.
We are known from the investigation that few students never online, most of them have ever surfing net, but Internet addiction is few, too.
At the same time, experts also found that using the Internet in net bars leaves students more vulnerable to addiction than using the Internet at home or at a school's computer center does.
Young is a group whose self-protective consciousness and self-control ability are weak. Net addiction of young is affected by a special psychological characteristic.
Net addiction should not be regarded as being similar to drug addiction, or be treated with medication.
Understanding psychological temptation of net addiction conducts to apply effective measures, prevent and remedy their actions.
After I move back to China, my busy life cease my addiction to net, and soon afterwards, Sina North America closed.
At present, the increasing problems of the personality alienation of college students caused by net addiction have aroused the attention of the educators in institutions of higher educating.
Entering the net era, the net addiction has become a serious social problem that affected badly the young people physically and mentally.
The degree of Network addiction has effect on the ethnic custom identification and the sense of belonging of the Mongl teenagers, but no common adverse impact. The net world has no borders.
Gives up the net addiction: Designs personally by the relaxation world, in January in definitely gives up the network becoming addicted the symptom.
Gives up the net addiction: Designs personally by the relaxation world, in January in definitely gives up the network becoming addicted the symptom.