They would be costly and the net benefits might well be negative.
Even a delay of a single year would reduce net benefits by 22.5 percent.
ROI is calculated by dividing net benefits (benefits minus costs) by costs.
Seigniorge is the net benefits achieved by a country through it's currency export.
To make net benefits from different years comparable, their present value must be computed.
There is another change that reduces and possibly negates the net benefits for the United States.
The report estimates the net benefits of taking strong action this year to combat climate change at $2.5 trillion.
Cost-benefit ratio criterion----No activity where the present value of net benefits is less than zero should be taken.
Proportional distribution — The net benefits from a policy received by various income groups are proportional to income.
An allocation satisfies the static efficiency criterion if it maximizes the net benefits from all possible USES of the resource.
Transfer cost----A cost to private party that is not a cost to society as a whole, because it involves a transfer of net benefits from one component of society to another.
To accommodate cash flow fluctuations, you can adjust the ROI calculation to include the net Present Value (NPV) of the net benefits divided by the NPV of the implementation costs.
要包含现金流的波动,可以调整roi计算,以包括净利益的净现值(Net Present Value,NPV)除以实现成本的NPV所得的值。
Maximum net present value criterion — Resources should be allocated to those USES which maximize the value if the net benefits received from all possible USES of those resource.
Real-resource costs----As opposed to transfer costs, these are costs born by both private parties and society as a whole because they involve the loss of net benefits, not merely their transfer.
The article analyses the effects of carrying out the policy of water source protection in Songhuaba reservoir, and net benefits per person of residents here. Compensation system should be built here.
While you can use Cucumber with IronRuby to write executable specifications for. Net code, there are immediate benefits to writing test automation code in the same language as your production code.
Business benefits are usually expressed in terms of net present value, which takes into account the time-value of money obtained, as well as risk. Mathematically, it is defined as.
Thus the net effect of the just-enacted extension of unemployment benefits is likely to be to reduce employment and output.
The service identification approach benefits from casting a net that has a larger scope such as the enterprise, but it can also operate under a more narrow domain that is confined to a project.
The time has come for us to take a more balanced view of the net, looking at its costs as well as its benefits.
The dam is one of India's most controversial damprojects and its environmental impact and net costs and benefits are widelydebated.
You must have found so many online-business opportunity offers in the net and all of them are offering such great benefits.
The IP address embezzlement is a serious problem in the campus net management. It affects the benefits of user and the normal operation of a network.
In see economic benefits while, we must face up to a net to swim brought negative effect.
After these, this paper analyses the features of irrigation benefits, and calculates the average benefit of every scheme with simulated method, using Economic Net Present Value.
"The rule is expected to provide a modest net social benefit (estimated benefits minus estimated costs) to society, " FDA said.
Therefore, net energy system can be used in formulated diets for laying hens to reduce in dietary energy levels, and better improve the economic benefits.
The delegation of information acquisition and incentive depend on the cost of information acquisition cost and the net effect of private (benefits) on the …
The benefits, methods and requirements of building a secure CA system were discussed for ecommerce, such as net banking. The functionality and security of a CA is also introduced.
The benefits, methods and requirements of building a secure CA system were discussed for ecommerce, such as net banking. The functionality and security of a CA is also introduced.