Even a delay of a single year would reduce net benefits by 22.5 percent.
All fund managers must disclose the net asset value of their funds to Brazil's Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) daily, though with a 48-hour delay.
The data of time delay on the basis of tools in the system is introduced and relevant network topology and net-flow analysis algorithm is described.
The design blasting parameters, blasting net, delay time, defending measure selection and gap length determination in complicated environment are discussed.
The net result is that work has ground to a halt, with cash flow problems also bringing a delay in last month's payroll and several members of the workforce quitting.
A year earlier, Airbus took in just 271 net orders as the global economic slowdown led airlines to cancel or delay existing orders and stop making new ones.
However studies before had only discussed the relationship between the level of earnings, net asset per share, variation of earnings or direction and disclosure delay.
The adjustment cost minus the delay cost is the net cost of the type-conversion, and the adjustment cost plus the delay cost is the total cost of the type-conversion.
Varieties of net conditions bring transmission delay jitter. The receiver must take synchronization control to resume time relation of stream before playing them according to the facts.
Carry Cheng the net of the 3rd quarter rises 2% compared to the same period, present the successive state that put delay.
To build nationwide synchronized time net using SDH network, we must study the time delay in SDH network transmission path.
In a net-term policy, the seller allows the buyer to delay payment until the net date.
Through producing the model of delay propagation and modeling the Bayesian Net, the impact of arrival-delay on departure-delay between related flights is discussed.
To net on bookstore inopportune making excessive demands, not only no use to in question solution, moreover can delay the opportunity, causes oneself to be in the passive position.
To net on bookstore inopportune making excessive demands, not only no use to in question solution, moreover can delay the opportunity, causes oneself to be in the passive position.