When . NET load an assembly, the runtime can verify that the assembly came from the publisher that the caller is expecting.
Down below, the workmen had prepared a metal net, which was fixed to the ground with long nails, all around the space where the crane was slowly lowering its load.
Because the energy load is so greatly reduced, a series of solar panel arrays will allow them to realize net-zero energy consumption.
Know how to calculate net capacity for every possible configuration of crane using the manufacturer's load chart.
New concepts of top point load, arc load, top point state, net shape, net base, dissipated net andopencircuitvariable structure net are introduced into distribution net.
Research show that the method of extrapolating failure load and net section yield criterion are available.
NET has a feature called Shadow Copies, in which it will make a copy of the assembly and load that instead.
Unit load device. Any type of freight container, aircraft container, aircraft pallet with a net or aircraft pallet with a net over an igloo, an overpack is not included in this definition.
You can also load the basket with scented bait, a trout blaster hook, lures, a bait dip net, a pair of Titanium Pliers the possibilities are endless.
NET web application is spanned across three web-servers (using round-robin load balancing) what would be the best approach to maintain login-in state for the users?
DC determines the wire load models of each segment of a net by the design encompassing the segment.
The net charges are not distributed inside the uniform conducting wire or load and they are only distributed on the surface of con- ductor or load, on the interface of…
The deaeration characteristics of net in deaerator, and the load characteristics of netted film type deaerator were studied.
Aiming at the problem of net-shell connector's rated load not meeting the requirement of overhead transmission line construction, a special traction tube was developed to help with tension stringing.
Especially, while exchanging between bedload and bed material, the net transport of bed load towards waters was considered.
The analysis model choosing, load combination, prestress construction design of cable net are thoroughly analyzed.
These are communal discuss often to load is on the net, this to rubbish mail maker it is very charming.
The influences of pipe net spacing distance, pipe diameter, buried depth and soil's Poisson ratio on the distribution of superimposed load are discussed.
This composite foundation transfers the loads to the rigid grid structure through bedding cushion and tension reinforcement net firstly, the load then were passed to deep clay by piles.
High-voltage electrical power transmission line is the artery of electrical-net, and it undertakes the task to transmission electrical power from power station to the load center.
The program will help load files found into the users computer or look them through from the Net.
Loss of load cost, energy not severed, net loss and loss of load duration, are considered when deciding which load should be curtailed.
If net is specified, the operating system will first copy the binary image from the network to a swap file and load it from there.
By comparing and analyzing some technologies of load balance, a high usability resource sub-syetem of campus net based on cluster load balance has been designed and implemented.
本文对常用的几种负载均衡技术进行了比较和分析 ,设计和实现了一种基于集群负载均衡技术的高可用性校园网资源子系统模型。
The characteristics of arc furnace are low voltage, big current and nonlinear load. Much negative sequence current is produced during running. As a result, the power net is unstable.
Read it in . net code quality, efficiency, load capacity, security level, functional control and authority tightness and other aspects of the majority of users have a good reputation.
读吧.net在代码质量,运行效率,负载能力,安全等级,功能可操控性和权限严密性等方面都在广大用户中有良好的口碑。 -Read it 。
Using the principle of photoelastic data superposition, the author defined the net effects of stress in wall rocks of the cave under all kinds of load. This avoided the trouble…
As the plane cable-net with small rigidity large deformation is subject to side wind load, it is necessary to consider the large deformation effects.
As the plane cable-net with small rigidity large deformation is subject to side wind load, it is necessary to consider the large deformation effects.