Congestion would cause network data transmission delay, further increasing congestion, the network will have a serious crash.
To increase network efficiency, the underlying system may delay transmission until a significant amount of outgoing data is collected.
How to improve the wireless network rate, throughput, reduce transmission delay, exert better 1X CDMA network of wireless data advantage is an important issue of CDMA network optimization.
This avoids the disadvantage for real-time when audio-data is transmitted based on TCP, minishes the delay of network, improves the quality of audio-data transmission.
Aiming at there is long delay of TCP data such as control command etc in remote experiment network, a video transmission control method is presented based on Back Propagation (BP) neural network.
Secondly, this thesis proposed a model of end-to-end delay-constrained data transmission rate control for multi-channel wireless ad hoc network.
Secondly, this thesis proposed a model of end-to-end delay-constrained data transmission rate control for multi-channel wireless ad hoc network.