Taking Management Information System (MIS) database graduation design on the network as the example, this paper discusses the normal form requirement and network requirement in this kind of design.
This system is a database management information system based on network designed for high-voltage insulating equipment nameplate information and experimental data for electric power system .
The network management system consists of network management station, management agent, management information database and network management protocol.
From the point of using library automation management system ILASII, this paper elaborated the step and method of database construction, and realized its network management.
Discusses that the management system of the smart consumption is a practical application of the computer technology in the field oft he network and the database.
The network management system consists of network management station, the management agent, the management info database, and the network management protocol.
The paper mainly introduces the network database retrieval system of EMBASE, and explores the characteristics, retrieval way, retrieval methods and management of retrieval results.
Medical information management system is developed based on B/S model and using ASP technology and network database theory.
The network management system by the management advancement, the management agent, the management database, the network management agreement and so on is composed.
The whole system could fulfill the maintenance of welding criterion database, remote monitoring of welding machine parameters, remote setting of welding criterion, and management based on network.
The design of social security management system relates to database and network technology.
Network intrusion detection module will analyze the package from data packet capture modules and combine network intrusion rule database, and then transmit the results to the system management module.
The system is mainly engaged in the process card management, featuring friendly interface, network database-based design and complete functions.
Computer Science: some basic principles, for example, database management system, algorithm and data structure, network technology.
Objective: To develop an information system for the management of orthodontic case records based on computer network and database.
目的 :利用计算机网络技术、数据库 ,研究开发一套适用于口腔正畸病案资料的管理系统。
The software platform of operating system, database management and SCADA application and the functions of database management, graph, alarming, network management and log management are emphasized.
The system includes three parts: the power network drawing kit, the database management system and the inference engine & knowledge base.
This Graduation Project researches ASP-based blog network design system, including the development of the database to set up the background, the background of management and front page design.
The system of information management in my design is setting up a network database;
OBJECTIVE:To set up data management system for therapeutic drug monitoring(TDM), and to realize the remote database access by means of network.
前言: 目的:建立治疗药物监测(TDM)数据管理系统,借助网络实现数据的远程访问。
Abstract: drawing management System that based on Cyber-Physical-System, achieves the network, efficient, accurate drawings management by utilizing cloud database and mobile terminal.
Network Oriented Analysis (NOA), a software subsystem of the distributed 'database management system C-POREL, ensures distribution transparency.
NOA是C -POREL系统的一个软件子系统。它主要负责面向网络的分析,实现系统的分布透明性。
Network Oriented Analysis (NOA), a software subsystem of the distributed 'database management system C-POREL, ensures distribution transparency.
NOA是C -POREL系统的一个软件子系统。它主要负责面向网络的分析,实现系统的分布透明性。