Mr Khan says that the effect has not only been to wipe out this year’s crops, but because of damage to the irrigation network, next season’s crops will be lost too.
On the basis of it, nonlinear function of nerve network is used for forecasting irrigation supply in irrigation area, and examine the data of Penglou irrigation area in Liaocheng of Shandong.
Subunit network composed by manifolds and laterals which are all multidiameter pipes is the important part of micro irrigation system.
For the convenience of application, the paper also presents the pipe network coefficient formula for typical branching network and loop network in well irrigation district.
In monitoring realm the digital and network is a trend that can be extensively applied in telecommunication, power, transportation, bank, irrigation works, intelligence mansion etc.
The results of the research are as follows: (1) Water and salt dynamic comprehensive monitoring network system of arid inland river irrigation region with strongly control ability is established.
Meanwhile, irrigation network formed by the use of water became the important part of regional social system.
Meanwhile, irrigation network formed by the use of water became the important part of regional social system.