For example, in the simplest case, network sniffing is used to obtain passwords, and those passwords are then used to mount an application-level attack.
Network sniffing is like one double-edged sword. It makes the network administrator convenience, but it also offers the hacker a tool to steal network information.
Many of the network sniffing tools already mentioned in this article provide varying levels of protocol decoding by looking at the port and content details to determine the protocol being used.
Next, I'll give an example of an old (but still widely used) attack, which involves sniffing passwords right off the network.
For now, though, sniffing is a simple and useful way to make sure that Snort is not only installed, but working and capable of monitoring network traffic.
Packet sniffing is great, but as you've seen, Snort's packet sniffing mode assumes you're hunched over your display, eagerly watching as thousands of lines of network data flies by.
However, it adds complexity to tracking network issues that might normally be troubleshot by sniffing the network.
Sniffing is a common way in gathering and intercepting network data, but malicious sniffing often does great harm to network security.
Figure 1 and Figure 2 show how easily a Telnet session can be casually viewed by anyone on the network using a network-sniffing application such as Wireshark.
Figure 1 and Figure 2 show how easily a Telnet session can be casually viewed by anyone on the network using a network-sniffing application such as Wireshark.