The paper mainly gives the work condition of neutral current, introduces application of four-pole switch in different grounding systems and problems to be noticed.
The linear combinations of baryonic, leptonic and electromagnetic currents are related to weak neutral currents, which fit all the present neutral current experiments.
With this new model, spontaneous fast reconnection in a neutral current sheet, which provides an effective mechanism for rapid magnetic energy release, is carefully studied.
Neutral current neutral current is the current that flows in the neutral leg of a paralleling system. Often, this term is used in reference to circulating currents or cross currents.
In another embodiment, a plasma-processing chamber is adapted to create a neutral current bypass path that reduces electric current flow through a magnetic field-generating feature in the chamber.
The Dielectric Withstand test consists in measuring the current leak of a device under test, while phase and neutral are short circuited together.
The neutral assembly contains all the code and it loads whatever satellite assembly is necessary to get the localized resources required by the current user.
On average respondents were relatively happy, judging their current life as slightly above neutral and experiencing frequent positive feelings and infrequent negative ones.
Note: Normally, current values of neutral pole of CM2Z four-pole, conform to table two, and it can be setted by users with 100% protection.
注:常规出厂的CM 2 Z四极断路器中性极电流值符合表二,用户也可自行100%保护设定。
Chapter three mostly discusses the detection of neutral harmonic current and control strategy in two ways.
The paper presents the causes of harmonics current and overload hazard of neutral line and phase line by harmonics in electrical line.
The effect of neutral trap on tunneling current in ultrathin MOSFETs is investigated by numerical analysis.
This time, a brain area linked to emotion sprung to life, with crying triggering it more than laughter or neutral sounds, the journal Current Biology reports.
This paper presents a fault diagnosis method for neutral grounding three-phase bridge type solid-state fault current limiter (SSFCL).
The high plasma current allowed in a RFP is expected to be sufficient to heat the plasma to ignition without the need of auxiliary neutral-beam or radio-frequency heating.
This paper introduces the calculating method of person shocking current in the sysytem of power supply of neutral dot directground connection and not ground connection.
The protection for earth fault line selection and fault point location by S injecting current in neutral isolated power system is presented.
The reactance of this coil, which is connected between the neutral, and ground is made in the range 90 to 110 per cent of the value required to neutralize the capacitance current.
The effect of DC earthed pol current on the neutral earthed transformer is analysed. The methods of reducing THD DC current which flows into transformer windings are introduced.
In this paper the neutral gender phenomena of body esthetic culture of current China is researched by using the method of pathology.
Since there is no unified standard for DC current through the neutral point of transformer in China, it is necessary to define and enforce a unified one as soon as possible.
The study results reveal shown that the ground fault current will increase with the number of main transformer with neutral to be solidly grounded.
A dynamic hysteresis-band current PWM control arithmetic is also designed to control the voltage of the DC bus, which keeps it steady effectively for the voltage of the neutral point of the DC bus.
This is particularly the case for the third harmonic, which causes a sharp increase in the zero sequence current, and therefore increases the current in the neutral conductor.
In this paper, a new method for checking the neutral circuit by using single phase load current is introduced. An analysis of this accident is presented.
The problem of neutral-point balance is resolved by changing the amplitude of current reference according to the voltage error of two capacitors.
A numerical method simulating high current ion sources for neutral beam injection is given in this paper as well as its typical result.
By analyzing the zero-sequence full current for single-phase grounding fault in isolated neutral distribution network, a new approach to determine the faulty transmission line is obtained.
By analyzing the zero-sequence full current for single-phase grounding fault in isolated neutral distribution network, a new approach to determine the faulty transmission line is obtained.